Browsing: Slick

The round where this class shines, the main event! The Nitro fuelled Funnycars and Altereds that shake the whole venue down!

Pretty much guaranteed to scare the pants off anyone who hasn’t seen these in person before, they are a complete assault on the senses which is hard to get tired of hearing/watching/smelling and just generally experiencing!

You thought the Blown cars were impressive on the Top End Camera, wait until you see these rip!

Be sure to like and share the video, get those comments in and most importantly SUBSCRIBE to the channel, hit that bell and we’ll keep the content coming your way…

Also jump over and check out our merch store (link below) where you can pick yourself up some stickers, hats, shirts, jumpers, shorts and a bunch of other awesome gear to deck yourself out in!


Thanks as always for watching 🙂

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