Published: Monday June 13 2022
This would have to be up there as one of the most impressive mechanical performances by a Burnout Car. Running a Dodge Nascar Engine Chris had the Loud Pedal pushed through the floor on his way to a 4th place overall at Brashernats. During qualifying it was found the accelerator cable had stretched causing the drop in revs about half way through, thinking he might not make the final he went out for an Exhibition skid beforehand only to find he had qualifed in the Top 30. And his finals skid was next level, with the throttle either closed or open he basically had the engine at WOT the whole skid and with the revs nudging 10,000rpm it sounded about as good as a Burnout car can. TURN UP THE VOLUME..

This would have to be up there as one of the most impressive mechanical performances by a Burnout Car. Running a Dodge Nascar Engine Chris had the Loud Pedal pushed through the floor on his way to a 4th place overall at Brashernats.

During qualifying it was found the accelerator cable had stretched causing the drop in revs about half way through, thinking he might not make the final he went out for an Exhibition skid beforehand only to find he had qualifed in the Top 30.

And his finals skid was next level, with the throttle either closed or open he basically had the engine at WOT the whole skid and with the revs nudging 10,000rpm it sounded about as good as a Burnout car can.