Was a very sunny humid day for round 1 of the WA Excel Cup championship forming part of the WA Sporting Car Clubs twilight race meeting at Wanneroo Raceway. We had Alex Newton driving the Luxe Performance Excel.
Alex is a great dude who has recently sold his old excel and yet to finish his new car. Alex has done a ton of work for me and let me drive his excel in the last enduro, I couldn’t stand to see him miss out on a drive. Alex took the opportunity to drive one of my cars very seriously, more so then anyone else I’ve had in a car, and boy did he deliver. Normally I get ultra competitive and want full send places, but in this case I actually wanted the car kept clean and out of trouble as I’m really looking forward to driving it in the next Excel Enduro later in the year.
Not only did Alex keep the car out of trouble with no damage, he managed to beat his PB by three tenths at a Minute thirteen point eight seconds, best mine by well over a second and finished in 6th position for the day out of 18 cars that’s pretty dam good. A solid bag of points and some great progress.
Alex also Had Luke “Ruckus” of Honda fame helping for the day, Luke is a ex drifter come time attack/ rally sprint freak who’s finally got a set big enough to come door to door racing. It was great for him to not only see how a state race meeting goes down but how much fun it is when there’s good size grids. Unfortunately we had a stuff up with the go pro and I didn’t capture the race footage, but hope you enjoy the montage of me getting more an more excited as the day goes on. Was proper proud of what was achieved with the little excel.
What’s next? Collie end of March hopefully ill take the Renault down.
Have any questions just give us a shout happy to share what I’ve learnt so far.