SIM SPACE: The Racekraft PT-1

Published: Tuesday January 25 2022
This is Build #001, the first in a new line offering from Racekraft - fully custom built solutions, everything is able to be changed out, customized or tweaked to the clients liking...and that's why it comes with the $POA pricetag...the sky is literally the limit.

‘Ello Chris’ – my phone lights up with Jon’s lovely face.
‘The cage is done, I want to make a video’
‘When can you come down?’

A trio of messages all at once…I knew I was in for a fun time at Racekraft.

I show up not knowing what to expect, I don’t usually like motion simulators…they cant simulate the sustained G-forces of racing a car, and the jerkiness of motion usually leaves me flustered when I’m trying to nail that perfect lap.
I laced my driving boots, pulled on my Sparco gloves and Jonny bolted me into the simulator, I feel completely immersed; I even forgot my girlfriend was sitting beside me telling me ‘no, you cant afford it’.

I was wrong…I take it all back…5 laps of GT3 around Bathurst later, I extract myself from ‘the cage’, a little puffed out, sweaty and exhilarated. Jon has nailed it, another insane build from Racekraft Simulations, and I’m lucky enough to be one of the first few to test it out, Now I get to jump in front of a camera; to sell this thing to the punters willing enough to throw down some cash.

This is the end result of over 200hrs of work, a crazy sum of money on parts & equipment…and one idea. The Racekraft PT-1.

What a beast this thing is! It kind of looks like a sprintcar chassis sitting in the middle of the room, and has all this tech hanging off it!

This is Build #001, the first in a new line offering from Racekraft – fully custom built solutions, everything is able to be changed out, customized or tweaked to the clients liking…and that’s why it comes with the $POA pricetag…the sky is literally the limit.

The specs on Build #001 are impressive enough to make you drool:
-Full 8040 extrusion chassis, PC & all electronics integrated into the rig
-Sigma integrale DK2+ motion system
-49″ Ultrawide Monitor
-Simucube wheelbase, connected to cube controls GT-X wheel + Simcore extenders
-Racewerks S1 hydraulic pedal set
-OMP HTE-R seat
– OMP 4 point harness with G-Belt tensioner
-Twin buttkickers in the seat
-Jinx Shifters sequential shifter
-Racekraft Dual Wind Kit
-Phillips HUE lighting
-Built in Soundbar
-Simpush Racelogic timer
-OMP side net

If that doesn’t make any sense to you, its OK… I summed it up in a pretty little video:

The PT-1 is more than just a simulator, its an experience…the way the motion actuators throw you around as you wrestle the car, the kick of the wheel over the kerbs and bumps, the stiffness of the hydraulic brake straining your leg muscles…the vibrations of the road communicated directly to your buttocks through the buttkickers in the seat, and the pull of the Gbelt tensioner as it tries to squeeze the air from your lungs under brakes!  Special mention goes to RK staffer/smi-pro sim racer/Hyundai Excel Driver – Anthony Jewell who had to drive this thing for the better part of an hour, while kitted out in full racing gear…things got a little sweaty.

The problem is…now I need one of my own. Is anyone out there keen to loan me some cash? For uh….reasons.