Are you into motorcycle racing? Have you seen the latest MCRCWA Tech Talk Video?

Published: Wednesday April 14 2021
We admit that our knowledge of the technology behind going racing on two or four wheels is quite limited and we’re loving the MCRCWA Tech Talk video’s that the Motorcycle Racing Club of WA are putting out via Marc Rossiter. The videos aren’t too

We admit that our knowledge of the technology behind going racing on two or four wheels is quite limited and we’re loving the MCRCWA Tech Talk video’s that the Motorcycle Racing Club of WA are putting out via Marc Rossiter.

The videos aren’t too over the top technical that a beginner couldn’t get to grips (kuffaw) with the content, nor is it too simple that a seasoned racer won’t find some value in the videos.

Great to see this kind of content coming out and we hope to see more of it!